Find and Filter C Program Functions

This is very useful when in Linux you get relative instead of absolute addresses and in Windows where you get an overwhelming amount of functions and you need to filter down to what really matters (what the programmer actually made). In OSX it isn’t needed as much sense you always get the absolute addresses and […]

Binary to (ByteCode or ASM Code) with objdump

Binary to Bytecode (The Binary was created with Rmutate) Linux > objdump + ruby + bash OSX > gobjdump + ruby + bash Windows > objdump.exe + ruby + PowerShellv5 Binary to ASM Code For Unix For Windows Some values were XOR’d; most notably the 0x2f which is the forward slash “/”

ByteCode Text to ASM Code with rasm2

STEP 1: make or find a shellcode you plan on using in your POC When creating a shellcode with Rmutate that is for Linux/OSX that doesn’t have -jcp used, remember to double space out every register/argument. STEP 2: View the target code you plan on converting STEP 3: Pipe the shellcode text into Rmutate using […]