Quote Managment

Here you will see how to manage the quote output from Rmutate. When you first get the Rmutate output from a script, it will be designed for Rmutate syntax, but what if you want to strip the quotes down? You can strip the quotes two times. The first time will give you the executioner + […]

Windows Write to Mem and Execute Shellcode

This is the most powerful way to quickly make malware for windows. With Rmutate you will be able to bypass the default “Restricted” Execution Policy for PowerShell Scripts. Also, you have the added option for prompting for UAC acceptance. If UAC is turned off, your shellcode will automatically execute as Admin as long as the […]

Bash Command to Shellcode

A very large amount of the code for Shell commands can be found here http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/ However, it isn’t near as usable as Rmutate because Rmutate will help you with the following. You can automatically remove bad bytes by XORing two registers together You can instantly port your shellcode to metasploit. For more info, click here […]

ill Scrappy

ill Scrappy will be released before the end of the year. It will be a major improvement over the shikata_ga_nai It will be a Metasploit module and will be fully ruby open source.