Binary to (ByteCode or ASM Code) with objdump

Binary to Bytecode (The Binary was created with Rmutate) Linux > objdump + ruby + bash OSX > gobjdump + ruby + bash Windows > objdump.exe + ruby + PowerShellv5 Binary to ASM Code For Unix For Windows Some values were XOR’d; most notably the 0x2f which is the forward slash “/”

ByteCode Text to ASM Code with rasm2

STEP 1: make or find a shellcode you plan on using in your POC When creating a shellcode with Rmutate that is for Linux/OSX that doesn’t have -jcp used, remember to double space out every register/argument. STEP 2: View the target code you plan on converting STEP 3: Pipe the shellcode text into Rmutate using […]

ill Scrappy

ill Scrappy will be released before the end of the year. It will be a major improvement over the shikata_ga_nai It will be a Metasploit module and will be fully ruby open source.